The Savage, Free-For-All
Business Model adopted by the
New Media ever since India
embraced Economic
Liberalisation can be accused of
committing the worst excesses
in the name of Public Interest
where the Peoples’ Inalienable
Right To Unfettered and
Unbiased Information has been
systematically eroded by the
Common Corporate Takeover of
the Print and Electronic
Media. That other Narratives,
equally important, were
demanding attention without
any success, in a fast-changing
Nation, was best exemplified by
the Amartya Sen-Jagdish
Bhagwati standoff,
illuminating that Vast Landmass
of Despair and Deprivation that
had somehow failed to benefit
from the Self-Correcting
Mechanism of the Free-Market.
Most commentators attribute the Media’s currently watered-down Activism to Narendra Modi’s storming the Social Media Networks, converting it into a vehicle through which to forcefully articulate his Political and Economic Vision, of keeping a line open to the People through innovative interfaces—AND, of keeping the Media at an arm’s lenght. While all of the above may indeed be true, what is Not True is the growing drumbeat that the
Media is not complicit in its
own downfall, painting it as
being bludgeoned by the New
Set of Power-Brokers now
occupying New Delhi. Nothing
can be further from the Truth.

Media’s descent, Modi’s ascent?
